Your essay made me instantly think about those really strange lines in the Book of Revelation talking about the Synagogue of Satan and fake Jews. I think the world should also be ready to embrace one more truth here : the evil nature of most Jewish political and intellectual elites who didn’t hesitate to sacrifice their own people during WWII and the covid era. Pfizer’s boss received the Jewish noble price (that I despise because it denies the very universal natural of the real Nobel price - that many Jewish geniuses dully earned, BTW) for the vaccine… the vaccine that he first tested and pushed into his own people, in Israel. On the other side, you have what I call true Jews, like doctor Zelenko (one of my hero) who denied the vaccine and was also talking about other topics too, like Space Force, etc. Proving he had a deep understanding of the big picture…
Thanks again for this brilliant article. I hope the vaccine developed by the US military (covfefe) will be able to undo that.
And for those like me who refused the mark of the beast : hold the line !
Thank you for a completely different perspective on all the madness. As a ‘real’ Jewish woman, if exposing Nazis who took Jewish identities & have perpetrated these atrocities can be exposed it is hopeful that hate towards ‘real’ Jews will finally end. If I would see this in my lifetime I would be very gratified.
New reader here. I see no separation (yet) between your insights and my coming from a parallel well-researched historical Christian perspective. As a repentant believer in Jesus Christ, I view my soul as protected / purified by His blood on the cross where Satan, the deceiver, was already defeated. Now we live out the end times of that Biblical story. Right (write) On!
You are right on all subjects, there were specific people Jesus rebuked in the temple that they were from below and their Father was from below. And he Jesus was from above. ( note I’m not judging any race our culture at this time) But he was pointing out certain facts. The true meaning of these sayings got buried over the years. Also the part about choosing sides is very important, there is no middle of the road. Revelation mentioned you are either hot or cold, if you are luke warm then you will be spit out of the mouth. Individuals who choose not to take sides will be giving up their rights to exist in future lifetime. I understand what Ye is trying to tell us. Hard to explain to the normies. In-depth study of scriptures is required and one is not going to hear it from the pulpit.
Thank You, thank you at least I know I’m not crazy.🙏
Brilliant! It also drives with Clif High’s  work. I am Jewish,  but I am more identify as Hindu and Buddhist. A friend of mine from the East Coast, who is also Jewish was telling me  that most of the  elite and ultraliberal Jews actually hate them selves, but this possibly brings to new light the fact that they actually hate everybody, and they are not Jews at all,  but hiding behind this ancient religion,  and now the whole Anti-Defamation League thing makes sense.
There is a wonderful book, called the majesty of God’s law, by Cleon Skousen. It talks about the spiritual foundation of the United States.  and in it, he talks about how many different strands made up our country, and they all centered around natural law.  and the consequences of very different people who independently was taking the same kind of thing for me that kind of triangulation is very powerful. It goes from Moses, to Cicero, to choose us, and the Anglo Saxons and English common law.
The beginning of the "descent into madness" was, I think the implementation of Operation Paperclip. These heinous scientists and doctors were "paperclipped" into our society, granted amnesty, and employed in the most secret area of our government --aptly named "black projects" many of which were exposed during the Q Posts and citizen journalists after it became evident our MSM was corrupt and compromised.
This was excellent. Another point to consider is the fact that the Israeli govt. moved to vaccinate their citizens and they are the highest vaccinated state. Almost immediately I wondered is this another move to exterminate Jews? Another point that virtually no one brings up the “Jews” even if you view it from the diaspora of the Northern Kingdom, pre-Babylonian captivity forward Jews were only 3 tribes: Judah, Benjamin, and Levites (the latter 2 were partials) and the 10 tribes carried away first were NEVER identified mainly bc they lost their heritage and identity as uniquely Hebrew. They were carried off past the Caucasus mountains, and never found their way back. Even Jesus talked about seeking the lost sheep of Israel. Now, knowing these 10 tribes forgot their identities and law and how bloodlines have been spread throughout the world, there is good reason to believe Hebrews’ DNA is now everywhere. The fake Jews now are hunting all Hebrew DNA to exterminate all. Satan continues to seek Hebrew DNA, bc he believes this is a component of identifying the elect.
Well that explains why they want to vaccinate kids. What better way to flatten the reproductive rates than to remove the ability to give birth (call it sterilization for lack of an appropriate word) from children. Evil does truly live among us and I for one would like to be able to put a face on them!
Your essay made me instantly think about those really strange lines in the Book of Revelation talking about the Synagogue of Satan and fake Jews. I think the world should also be ready to embrace one more truth here : the evil nature of most Jewish political and intellectual elites who didn’t hesitate to sacrifice their own people during WWII and the covid era. Pfizer’s boss received the Jewish noble price (that I despise because it denies the very universal natural of the real Nobel price - that many Jewish geniuses dully earned, BTW) for the vaccine… the vaccine that he first tested and pushed into his own people, in Israel. On the other side, you have what I call true Jews, like doctor Zelenko (one of my hero) who denied the vaccine and was also talking about other topics too, like Space Force, etc. Proving he had a deep understanding of the big picture…
Thanks again for this brilliant article. I hope the vaccine developed by the US military (covfefe) will be able to undo that.
And for those like me who refused the mark of the beast : hold the line !
Thank you for a completely different perspective on all the madness. As a ‘real’ Jewish woman, if exposing Nazis who took Jewish identities & have perpetrated these atrocities can be exposed it is hopeful that hate towards ‘real’ Jews will finally end. If I would see this in my lifetime I would be very gratified.
New reader here. I see no separation (yet) between your insights and my coming from a parallel well-researched historical Christian perspective. As a repentant believer in Jesus Christ, I view my soul as protected / purified by His blood on the cross where Satan, the deceiver, was already defeated. Now we live out the end times of that Biblical story. Right (write) On!
You are right on all subjects, there were specific people Jesus rebuked in the temple that they were from below and their Father was from below. And he Jesus was from above. ( note I’m not judging any race our culture at this time) But he was pointing out certain facts. The true meaning of these sayings got buried over the years. Also the part about choosing sides is very important, there is no middle of the road. Revelation mentioned you are either hot or cold, if you are luke warm then you will be spit out of the mouth. Individuals who choose not to take sides will be giving up their rights to exist in future lifetime. I understand what Ye is trying to tell us. Hard to explain to the normies. In-depth study of scriptures is required and one is not going to hear it from the pulpit.
Thank You, thank you at least I know I’m not crazy.🙏
Brilliant! It also drives with Clif High’s  work. I am Jewish,  but I am more identify as Hindu and Buddhist. A friend of mine from the East Coast, who is also Jewish was telling me  that most of the  elite and ultraliberal Jews actually hate them selves, but this possibly brings to new light the fact that they actually hate everybody, and they are not Jews at all,  but hiding behind this ancient religion,  and now the whole Anti-Defamation League thing makes sense.
There is a wonderful book, called the majesty of God’s law, by Cleon Skousen. It talks about the spiritual foundation of the United States.  and in it, he talks about how many different strands made up our country, and they all centered around natural law.  and the consequences of very different people who independently was taking the same kind of thing for me that kind of triangulation is very powerful. It goes from Moses, to Cicero, to choose us, and the Anglo Saxons and English common law.
The beginning of the "descent into madness" was, I think the implementation of Operation Paperclip. These heinous scientists and doctors were "paperclipped" into our society, granted amnesty, and employed in the most secret area of our government --aptly named "black projects" many of which were exposed during the Q Posts and citizen journalists after it became evident our MSM was corrupt and compromised.
This was excellent. Another point to consider is the fact that the Israeli govt. moved to vaccinate their citizens and they are the highest vaccinated state. Almost immediately I wondered is this another move to exterminate Jews? Another point that virtually no one brings up the “Jews” even if you view it from the diaspora of the Northern Kingdom, pre-Babylonian captivity forward Jews were only 3 tribes: Judah, Benjamin, and Levites (the latter 2 were partials) and the 10 tribes carried away first were NEVER identified mainly bc they lost their heritage and identity as uniquely Hebrew. They were carried off past the Caucasus mountains, and never found their way back. Even Jesus talked about seeking the lost sheep of Israel. Now, knowing these 10 tribes forgot their identities and law and how bloodlines have been spread throughout the world, there is good reason to believe Hebrews’ DNA is now everywhere. The fake Jews now are hunting all Hebrew DNA to exterminate all. Satan continues to seek Hebrew DNA, bc he believes this is a component of identifying the elect.
Unfortunately you're probably right.
We've learned so much since Q. Found this awhile ago about our DNA.
"God Eternal Within The Body"!
Well that explains why they want to vaccinate kids. What better way to flatten the reproductive rates than to remove the ability to give birth (call it sterilization for lack of an appropriate word) from children. Evil does truly live among us and I for one would like to be able to put a face on them!