There is supposed to be something big happening next week. ten times bigger than 911 so they say. No idea if it will or what it will be. Fake alien invasion? WWIII scare? Return of the messiah? Return of Jesus Christ? A huge solar flare? 9 Richter California Quake?

Even Joe Biden said it would take an "Act of God" to get him to quit.

All I know is the world appears ready for something.

The RNC is next week. Trump has been very careful regarding VP. VP to speak before Trump.

Is there really a surprise there ready to happen? Unlikely, but....

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Great article, great content, restacking. Thanks for the firm tone to this-we need to hear it.

When I heard Biden say it would take an act of God to get him to quit, I was reminded of the article out of Cleveland where a mural (read:graffiti) of George Floyd was stuck by lightening. So delicious, we need God to speak that amplified 1000x.

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Yes, that had slipped my memory! Thanks for the reminder!

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Tucker the VP pick.

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Time will tell….it will be interesting if he actually announces his pick.

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Another great article Duane, no pussyfooting around.

Good to see you still spreading the insights you have.

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The followers of the oaths they took are the National Guard members. This might be applicable and the reason ‘we the people’ won’t lose the election to the cheating!

God bless you, Brent!🙏

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