Jan 16, 2023Liked by Brent D. Cates

Wow, thanks Duane, that's a long piece to read again and digest, great writing. Yes , WE are the Storm. Thanks for highlighting all 20 of the Patriots who stood firm. One of them is MY representative, Mary Miller. She is one good thing in Illinois, where we are smothered by deep staters like Durbin and Duckworth, who are obviously "installed", not fairly elected.

I sometimes think of this as a great orchestra, performing a long complex piece of music, with a superb conductor in charge - Trump.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Brent D. Cates

Trump's plan fits into 3 categories: 1. the mapping out of the corruption in the civil sector 2. the closing down of the deep state financial arteries 3. the construction of a covert military channel for *something* done in secret

What would that be??? I believe a Negotiation. That's what Chris Miller is referring to.

The snakes are set up for a reckoning.

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Sharing this. It gives me hope. Thank you.

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Nothing personal, but you're full of it Duane. Why does almost everything you write have to include all of this ancient and ridiculously over the top religious terminology? Why can't you make your topical political or social points without all of that nonsense? It really makes what you write almost unreadable and look very amateurish. Also, you are constantly making predictions about this or that, but they almost never come true? Why should anyone have much faith in your credibility at this time? Like you repeatedly said Trump will NEVER announce he's running for president lol. You admitted in other social media you were wrong about that, but it seems your ego is never even slightly kept in check, and you move on without much if any acknowledgement of your errors in judgment and reasoning. Don't get me wrong. I am a Christian myself, but I've continually heard you, for example, make direct comparisons of Donald Trump to Jesus Christ himself! Isn't that just a bit sacrilegious? I like Trump, voted for him twice and would again, and agree with a lot of what you write, but the continual religious preaching makes reading your stuff unbearably painful. Just my opinion, but I'm sure many who encounter you on Substack are equally turned off by all the religious dogma. As a writer myself, I can tell you that any validity to your ideas, are lost within the endless preaching you seem compelled to inject constantly and most important, unnecessarily. Lastly, did you know that there are OTHER religious beliefs in the world besides Christianity? And there are a lot of non-religious people who are decent, moral human beings who might agree with most of your political views, but whom you're turning off with all the proselytizing? Maybe nobody else will tell you these things, but you write well, and you seem too intelligent for the most part, to continue using language from the Dark ages.

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Nice work Patriot.

God given rights.

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As always ... spot on!

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I shouldn't have shared this because it's paid and too early. Oops.

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