An EXCELLENT column, Brent. Your intelligence, hard work (research, image-hunting, the writing itself), and kind soul always make your work a positive experience for me.

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You did not do your homework. If you want to criticize the foreign aid directed at Israel you need to compare it to the foreign aid paid for by US taxpayers to IRAN, HEZBOLLAH, HAMAS, THE PA, QATAR all of whom are sworn enemies of Israel. We also give money to Egypt which although they signed a peace treaty with Israel, made millions of dollars by allowing Hamas to transport in weapons with which to kill and maim innocent civilians, both Jews and Muslims inside of Israel. Jews who have a Jewish homeland in the one and only Jewish state of Israel and who are American citizens, are American citizens first. Jews who think of themselves as Israelis first either live in Israel or are on their way to living in Israel. It is a very old antisemitic trope to say Jews are not loyal American patriots because there is a Jewish homeland in Israel.

How many Muslim states are there in the world?

https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/muslim-majority-countries. You can count them here at that website.

How many Jewish states are there in the world? Only one.

Why is Israel singled out as undeserving of US Foreign Aid? Are they uniquely undeserving? If you believe so, tell your representatives and senators you object to foreign aid for Israel.

Israel is on the front lines in the battle being waged by the US globalists who are united with the Islamic terrorists. If Israel falls, the West will be next. The US has supported Iranian hegemony in the Middle East since 1979. All that stuff Presidents say about supporting Israel is just so many words. The money spent shows where the US priority lies: the US has shoveled billions of dollars to Iran and all her proxies, which pretty much paid for the attack on October 7th.

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Reread what I posted. I said ALL FOREIGN AID. Of over 100 Nations, 80% of it ends up being laundered to Israel. Your strawman on Islamism is also rejected because **those** origins are also known to me.

Israel was saved for last TO BE SAVED from the Synagogue of Satan hiding behind the Chosen.

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Thanks, Duane.

That's a very encouraging interpretation.

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