Consider the global populace. Do you think that the people in the slums of India or those in the villages that skirt the Amazon have the slightest clue of the EPIC operation that is transpiring?

One that will not only save America, but HUMANITY ITSELF!

It sounds a crazy thing to say that WE have been chosen, but indeed, WE HAVE BEEN, and it’s utterly SURREAL!

We are privy to the plan of all plans.... GOD’S PLAN. And although we have only been granted a fraction of intel, it’s more than enough to ready our swords.

For those in the know, it wasn’t a matter of verification or seeking confirmation from others. We were guided by a gut feeling that screamed to us, ‘Yes, THIS is right’.

It’s our beautiful, God given intuition that has led us here, to the front lines. The same intuition that they have worked feverishly to extinguish.

They wanted us unsure of ourselves, they NEEDED us unsure. Their very existence depended on our mental fog.

I say ‘depended’ because we have already won.... GOD HAS ALREADY WON!


And I offer the story of my journey...The Great Awakening is REAL! I am proof! Before all this, I was blue all the way... and an atheist.


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Thank you for this publication, you and your brother deserve a prize. Not the BS PULITZER. Fuck them.

Maybe a new one called the Patriots Publishers Prize. Or something like that.

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Just spit-balling here but how about "Trump Excellence Award in Journalism".

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I'd call you insane, but that'd be an insult to schizophrenics and asylum patients. Your conspiracy lulls you into complacency, which is helpful at least.

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Excellent, Duane.

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Thank You Duane 🙏

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