Great job! 👏

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~ Duane: my theory is that the 'pipe bombs' were not planted by the hoodie person the night before, that was the decoy for effect. What if someone say them before 1pm next day? or took them & threw them thru a window? (hey, it's DC). What if it was the security/surveillance co connected woman, & the undercover Cap Policeman who actually planted them & gound by them? Check the videos: no close up of the DNC plant the night before, just them reaching down, & the camera is on the security details, not the front of the DNC around 1pm? The camera is seen to swing over & zoom to the front after the undercover cop talks to his buddies, but not before. I could be wrong, if there's video of the front of the DNC before undercover guy shows up I have not seen it. Would make sense why neither bomb, in very public places was seen until it was needed to be seen. ~

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Ever witnessed a fireworks show with one of those million firecracker strings? It starts out almost unnoticeable and gets louder and louder, until it becomes the loudest fireworks sound you've ever heard! Bring on the fireworks!

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I enjoyed your piece,thankyou! Well crafted BDC!!!

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