This take may be correct. I don't take the view that JA is an angel. But I don't think he's a demon either. You have properly pictured a real demon in this posting. His time is nearly up (and his foul brother) - and if this is his endgame, so it is theirs. You are right, they do not survive full public exposure of who and what they actually are. Many of us have lived painfully with this knowledge for many years now, and JA was instrumental in that initial exposure. PG... JA's freedom now, in June, tells us all we need to know. Bring it on.

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In a recent move to stir the political pot, Trump dropped a damning video of President Biden on Truth Social, sparking further discussions and controversies.


— Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social (@TrumpDailyPosts) June 14, 2024

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I got my Popcorn, I got my Popcorn !

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Thank you, Brent.

This is mainly to see if you read and respond to comments and questions from your readers here. Do you?

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It’s amazing how we see things playing out, you wait for so long and suddenly they happen and it’s surreal. One thing I don’t hear anyone mentioning is the interview with Assange in the prison a few months ago with Tucker. Tucker filmed the trip and his talk with Assange’s wife who he went with, obviously the actual interview with Assange wasn’t filmed but was Tucker doing his part for the patriots and was in on the upcoming release? Maybe relaying some details under the guise of journalism? In preparation of the deal that was due to be made? Whatever it was, it wasn’t a coincidence.

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The democRATs are the biggest problem in the world whether they wear Blue or Red. We call half of them RINOs. #FuckTheUNIPARTY #DefundTyranny #EndALLFreeTradeToPreserveFreedom #ResumeAmericanManufacturingIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist

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And they all come tumbling down ✌️

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Thanks for removing the paywall. However, I will continue to subscribe in support of your very valuable work.

Just keep on sending your work to my inbox. Thanks!

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Yes, indeed!! What a time to be living as we watch the corruption take blow after blow…..it’s shown as ‘political’ but it’s just evil people trying to cover up their deeds.

God bless Assange….finally free.🙏. Hmm…is Australia about to blow open, too?

Seth Rich/ATF/MS-13/DNC….how far does this rabbit hole go?

God bless you, Brian.🙏

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