As I see it, our dilemma is that we must defeat them, but not with their weapons. Otherwise, even if we win, they ultimately win because we've become them in our hearts and souls.

The only answer is love.

Gandhi and King knew this and both succeeded beyond hope because of it.

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Am reading a book about transformation by Helen Luke called Dark Wood White Rose about Dante’s Divine Comedy. The description in the Inferno and the levels of Hell describes where the various people in TPTB rank

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Exactly. You capsulized the real enemy - Lucifer. TPTB worship Lucifer, hence they are enemies of all humanity. They are promoting the SUBSTITUTE Elohim.

Now with their transhumanism and attacks on our DNA they are attempting to BECOME God.

America and our Constitution are standing in their way to establishing THEIR GLOBALIST AGENDA AND ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP.

This is a worldwide war, and most people are ignorant of it.

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