Thanks for your report I understand completely, my sympathy goes out to the civilians in both countries because they are been used as pawns. The people orchestrating this war don’t care about hurting and killing people.

I’m greatly suspicious of MSN because they are on this story nonstop, that signals to me that they are lying. Plus all of a sudden we don’t hear a peep about Ukraine, is the war still going on? McCarthy losing speaker of the House position was a signal for what’s going on now in Israel. Also I strongly believe that BB and JB are deeply involved. I’m not taking sides but I pray for the innocent people that are trapped in this conflict.

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Once again, fabulous! You have been a great teacher for many of us really helping us to be more discerning and just see through the bullshit! Thank you. Thank God these people are not that creative, and they keep on doing the same thing over and over again.

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