Yes this was done deliberately. Yes there are rotten horrible people that have a JEWISH background but are atheist, disgusting people doing terrible things. But stop blaming ALL Jews for these terrible people. We are not them.

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Duane - Pepe Lives Matter also said that there was a movie called "White Noise" that was released a few months ago, that is about a chemical train derailment in Ohio! It's just been added to Netflix. Not only that, but the movie was FILMED IN OHIO in 2021 ! Is the movie part of their predictive programming?

And some are saying that the detonation was a dirty nuclear bomb.

Yes, we need an investigation, NOT a coverup. Was this an accident? Was this a terrorist attack? Or just another attack on America's infrastructure and food and energy supplies BY OUR OWN FASCIST, NAZI, BIDEN REGIME?

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We all know it was deliberately done, and every other disaster afterwards is definitely deliberately done, Trains, Pilots dropping dead, parts falling off planes, ships crashing into bridges, food processing plants exploding, chickens/ cows / pigs being slaughtered, people around the world dropping dead “suddenly”, illegals invading OUR COUNTRY, Chem-trails poisoning our sky's, land, water.

Just sit back a moment and think about all the freaks “accidents” that have happened and are continuing to happen.

Wake up.

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The spill is not the point, it's the spread.

The further you spread it, the more people get it, the lower the concentration is and to burn it is the cheapest way to do it.

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Good but scary analysis-and it should be scary because the war is indeed on. 2023 is the year of TRUTH. Keep up the good work.

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