So, having read part 1 & 2 that showcased how these vile & corrupt Souls are focusing/capturing the precious TIME, ENERGY and the all critical FOCUS of too TOO MANY to go towards the GHOUL’S interests it’s now time to FOCUS on YOUR interests.
Maybe you have persevered & endured their “education,” programming and the Cultural Shift (READ: PUSH) relatively unscathed via sheer obstinance, instinct & a desire to pursue your personal, INDIVIDUAL vision for your life.
But many are only now beginning to realize what kind of FIGHT they are in, only now assessing the harm they’ve unknowingly undergone & how much has already been surrendered to our insidious Foes.
Losses in health, family, wealth, security, property as well as our American freedoms & Constitutional Rights.
Let this be a refresher in what a HUMAN BEING’S interests should be, by an arrogant old Greybeard who has himself come to this knowledge far too late in his life.
To Shepherd your interests, it stands to reason you need to realize just what your interests actually are.
Before you say “well, those should be OBVIOUS!” Allow me to point out about 70+% of the humanity bustling about you can’t do that as it’s never occurred to them what their interests are.
And many NEVER WILL.
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Let’s begin.
The media has increased their “noise” flash and fearmongering to 100% to distract you & frazzle your brain.
People in a perpetual state of fear, anger, uncertainty & most importantly, DESPAIR are easily controlled and PUSHED where these Ghouls want you.
They also monitor EVERYTHING on your devices & online to identify the TROUBLEMAKERS…
Which can always be identified by those who interfere with their Anti-American, Anti-God & Anti-Human Agendas.
And then their Censorship Matrix would take action.
Notice the DoJ & FBI aren’t just going after anyone criticizing the traitorous Biden Regime, it would be more accurate to say they are going after anyone that interferes in the goals of the WEF’s AGENDA 2030.
Individuals that have used their ability to FOCUS to defeat all of the programming & cultural rot trying to corrupt them already know this.
The ability to focus/concentrate to push THROUGH all of their insaniac bullshit to SEE THEM (and yourself) clearly is your first step to defining YOUR interests vs Theirs.
And believe me, it IS you vs THEM!
They will leave you no other option.
I used to live to THE GRIND.
Livin’ 9 to 5 as the Song goes, drive in, to cubicle Hell, coffee, jawing with people just as TRAPPED as I was, drive out, fast food dinner, TV, sleep.
Rinse, repeat.
Clockwatching the entire time.
I never felt hatred for my bosses or supervisors as I actually THINK like an American.
When I felt the weight of incompetence, I shrugged, blame, even undeserved, I didn’t take it personally.
But when I felt ABUSE or MALICE I spoke my mind & then departed.
Your fortunes rise and fall in this Nation, usually in concert with your SKILL SET, FOCUS, ENERGY & I.Q.
The PLANdemic threw millions of Americans out of work.
Many are now content to drift along.
Joblessness & government handouts killed their ambitions to such a degree they simply no longer wish to go to work.
But a significant number of us found alternative revenue streams by going to work FOR OURSELVES.
I now see my remaining TIME on this Earth as precious. I therefore SPEND it carefully, as carefully as one hour being a diamond I’ll never get back.
Waste my time & earn yourself my enmity.
Arrange your life around spending your TIME profitably & well.
Loss of focus is loss of energy.
Like time, you have a finite amount this life allots to you.
The Media are MASTERS in destroying your focus, time & energy.
They don’t want you living YOUR best life, they want ALL of your assets in THEIR Stack, that of their actual Masters.
The Central Bankers who have almost completed the greatest theft in human history.
A PERFECT example of people lost to their programming are those Anti-Oil Protesters causing havoc in Europe right now.
Imagine what they could have accomplished & contributed to this World if ALL of their time, energy & focus hadn’t been hijacked by the cruel & wicked Pied Pipers in media & government.
Use your energy to ENHANCE the quality of your life. To your benefit & that of your friends & families.
Expend your energy UPWARDS, like a booster rocket, not DOWNWARDS like those Lost to the Climate Cult.
When your life’s energy runs out, will the STORY OF YOUR LIFE be worth reading?
will the Painting or tapestry of your days be found interesting or engaging?
Before you answer, understand that I believe Heaven finds the LITTLE THINGS matter most.
They are the foundations upon which greatness stands.
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Or buy This old Greybeard a coffee!
All who participate in these works are the wind in my sails & I thank you with all my heart.
What the PLANdemic has taught us, in our bones, is that if you aren’t healthy, your ability to enjoy life is severely hampered.
As someone with serious comorbidities as I advance into my 60’s, COVID has forced me to reassess my health to improve it.
This is what I have learned :
DIET is critical to your health. Eat healthy, BE healthy.
Our Nation is now awash in food as FAKE as our news.
Pleasing to the palate, but POISON to your body.
Vegetable/Seed Oils, processed “quick and easy” foods, too much sugar & salt, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) flour products.
Cut them all out of your diet as much as possible.
Use real food & animal products like butter, lard, eggs & red meat as you cook your meals the way your grandparents did, by hand.
Portion control & intermittent fasting have also helped me in losing weight.
Go with natural homeopathic therapeutics over Big Pharma’s pills when possible to treat your medical issues & even light exercise will benefit you in this Screen Bound society.
You family & friends will be a critical asset in the future although I realize some people’s families are a source of conflict & are even an impediment, not supportive or welcoming.
But if you’ve drifted apart from them, now is the time to build closer rapport for times of trouble that may be inbound & having said this, do it.
Not to become a burden to them, but to support one another.
As for Friends, I’ve only had ONE close friend in my life & I feel completely blessed, for in that regard, quality always outshines quantity.
By the way, the people you ran/run with are not necessarily friends.
When things get rough, your friends dig in WITH you, whereas those that simply shared interests fade away quickly.
Family ties & friendships need to be nurtured.
“Watered” with goodwill, now & again to express affection & value.
So much has already been stolen.
Value your remaining “crumbs” in Dollars & Cents.
Try to accumulate money & then spend wisely, thoughtfully.
Take note of your current skills, what Scott Adams calls your SKILL SET.
I read literally thousands of books in my lifetime before I ever tried to write.
Thomas Wictor **pushed** me to start doing threads on Twitter.
I found I was good at threads, which is actually a segmented article.
After years of writing, I am now READABLE. (A-HA! A SKILL)
After a quarter of a century working in Call Centers, I know how to talk to people, I’m articulate & skilled in solving their issues be they technical, sales or billing or simple customer service (which is never really simple)
The PLANdemic ended my Call Center jobs.
Then I lost my Twitter account.
As I despaired, YouTube began striking my channel HARD.
I ended up moving to Twitch.TV and created a newer, better revenue stream than YouTube had ever been.
Using my developed SPEECH SKILLS.
Then my brother Brian benevolently suggested I open my own Substack as his was doing very well & he knew I could use another revenue stream.
And here we are.
I coupled my personal SKILL SET into specific niches that could provide me revenue.
And that level of revenue depends on my FOCUS, TIME & ENERGY to be successful.
What are your personal skills?
Can you convert them into revenue working for yourself?
About a quarter of those tossed into joblessness in 2020 have figured this out & we are never returning to the job market.
The sad fact is, most of us are in truly deplorable physical shape.
With even fewer giving any serious thought to their security.
Physical, financial. SPIRITUAL.
And believe me, our Enemy has really focused on weakening every aspect of your presence on this world.
As I said in Part Deux of this series, their goal is to render us helpless, dispossessed & paralyzed by fear.
Your chief weapon against them is your awareness of that & your FOCUS in defending against their relentless waves of propaganda, regulation & jackbooted overreach under color of authority.
There’s a reason they are driving home ownership down & are trying to crush the middle class into the dust.
All of it.
If they own EVERYTHING, your ability to criticize or interfere with their ANTI-HUMAN Agendas evaporates.
Your children won’t own ANY property, they will lease or rent, no guns, no Bible, no hope.
They would be able to cut you off from your domicile, utilities & FOOD the instant you exhibit wrong think simply by pushing a button.
Your property extends to a lot more than just a house or real estate.
Your assets.
Your Car(s) & Vehicles are assets.
Boats, planes, antiques, jewelry, silver, gold, all of your valued possessions are assets.
In a CASHless society the economy will be weaponized against you.
A Master/Slave dynamic they will call by different words to bamboozle you.
The Founders understood the dangers of a debt based economy using fiat currency but they stressed OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY as the cornerstone of American Citizenship.
These Pied Pipers of American Disaster have been setting up on us for over a century and are now beyond apoplectic that Trump, harvesting our instinctual discontent, has come along to blunt their demonic malice and SHOW THE WORLD what they’ve been doing to entire populations for generations.
Forewarned is forearmed.
When the majority of America loving families & households are able to skillfully & effectively shepherd their individual interests, this will make the American Community & Nation collectively stronger, healthier & far more prosperous than at any time before in our magnificent & storied history.
Our bounty, reward, and joy at having triumphed over some of the World’s most wicked & vile hidden Tyrants in this #SoulWAR.
Thanks, Duane. I want to let you know that when you first started saying STAY AMERICAN, I took it to heart. I started to prioritize celebrating our American holidays and participating in our uniquely American culture. I now go to things like car shows, county fairs, and rodeos. I put up Christmas lights and decorate a tree. I fly a flag on the house year-round now. I take gun safety classes. They want to take all these things away from us but all their efforts have done is make me feel AMERICA FUCK YEAH!
Thank you for sharing