Q’s last post to date is #4966
“What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.
First my thoughts from the Body/Heart/Mind I possess:
There are NO noncombatants in this war. Babies, the elderly, your PETS. Our Enemy recognizes NO boundaries or restrictions.
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What is coded in your DNA?
Your individual genetic/physical existence. The MAP or “blueprint” for your time/space presence on Earth.
Who put it there?
Your physical, perpetually evolving DNA has been placed on this Earth by Our Creator.
DNA is a language. The DNA of every living creature has been WRITTEN by the finger of Divinity.
For a purpose. Every soul entering physical existence MELDS with the physical body Our Creator ASSIGNED to them.
When you think of your specific body/DNA know the Soul inhabiting it was PREORDAINED. Think of the “nature of your Soul” seeking the form DESIGNED to house it.
Like water seeking it’s own level. The Soul SEEKS the body prepared for it.
Does this give you insight into why humanity’s foes delight in abortion?
Mankind is repressed.
The Servants of Lucifer are slowly being revealed. Their hideous crimes are being exposed as is their SEAT OF POWER in Kiev.
The “vehicles” of their repression of humanity are now being broken as the UNRESTRICTED WARFARE between the Collective & the Sovereign intensifies.
The Vile MSM coupled with the internet are now doing incalculable harm to the minds, hearts & therefore Spirits of tens of millions Worldwide. (SEE: Tik Tok)
We will be repressed no more.
The Great Awakening is our hearts, minds & Souls freeing themselves from this dark grip determined to PUSH us into becoming an unrecognizable mockery of the Divine Being that placed us here.
Information is knowledge.
The CONTROL of information is key in controlling populations.
They have ruined millions of America’s children by selling indoctrination as education. We now stand at a precipice there as well as parents attempting to prevent out-of-control Marxist/Degenerate FANATICS from grooming, abusing or mutilating their children are now being cast by THE POWERS THAT BE as Domestic Terrorists.
These Entities responded to the amazing free flow of information on the internet & social media by creating deliberate crises they would then “fix” by implementing as much control over the flow of information as possible.
Knowledge is power.
This is the TRUTH the Fanatics determined to beat Humanity into submission understand but with one important distinction.
WE think knowledge is power. What WE learn to our benefit, even hard lessons are shared freely as part of our HUMAN experience so that all may profit.
THEY think the CONTROL of knowledge is power. And thereby they can move populations where THEY wish, regardless of the people’s interests.
WE believe controlling ones self is the truest form of power.
THEY believe making OTHER PEOPLE do what they desire is real power.
Information is power.
Think of information like water in the Internet “Well.”
We want non toxic & un-dangerous information to flow freely, to be “sipped” and enjoyed to the benefit of all, with malice towards none.
The Enemy hates the free flow of information because the control of it is HOW they are able to manifest the chaos, misery & death they NEED to maintain their highly profitable status quo.
And notice they always use the EXCUSE of trying to protect these populations from toxic & dangerous data to censor and silence all opposition to their avaricious demands. (SEE: The Twitter Files)
How do you protect your DNA?
We’ve come full circle.
Demoralize your Mind.
Break your Heart.
Shatter your Spirit.
If you think avoiding the Clot Shots is checking that Box….well, I’ve got some very bad news for you.
If you’re angry at the people trying to get you & yours IN THE FIGHT the last seven years, because you just want to stay out of this & live your best life on your own here’s a visual representation of what’s unfolding =
Now that they’ve marked down on their own MAPS where most of their “problematic” MAGA Americans are located, they are taking STEPS…
What’s called the American Ecosphere is now being POISONED right in front of you.
When you don’t have clean water, air or food…WHAT DOES THAT DO TO YOUR DNA?
Or the precious DNA of your children?
For a more in depth look at WHY these spills & “mysterious” fires are happening see my recent Post AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK!
There is a war for your DNA.
Speaking of food, it’s becoming clear on the other side of the BACTERIOLOGICAL ATTACK called the COVID-19 Pandemic that America’s diet is atrocious.
We all know fast & junk food contributed to the comorbidities that took way too many of us before our time during COVID, but what if I told you DIET has also been another way our Enemies have been GENERATIONALLY assailing you and your children’s DNA?
My brother Brian Cates recently did a jaw dropping deep dive on why Vegetable/Seed Oils are absolute POISON to your digestive system.
Our “Intellectual & Corporate” betters have been telling us for ages that eggs will clog up our hearts with cholesterol, along with butter and eating red meat is a TERRIBLE diet one must avoid.
Instead we were TOLD a healthy diet needed margarine, whole grains and cereals.
Which has apparently devolved in 2023 into ZERO meat (or fish) soy products and BUGS.
As you self righteously tell yourself you’re doing your part to end Climate Change.
After COVID way too many people are now SHARING information on diet, exercise & healthy living tips and the PATTERNS & TRENDS of the past are beginning to emerge.
Animal products (meats, fish, eggs, etc) butter, lard, and certain oils like olive & coconut oils are actually HEALTHY.
Whole grains, but especially processed foods we’re accustomed to eating are chock full of VEGETABLE/SEED OILS that, thanks to massive heat processing to make them palatable, are rendered INERT in your digestive system, just sitting there as it harms your pancreas.
How many of you know what your pancreas is or how it is supposed to function?
Scientists in the United States learned this in 1918.
I submit that Government, Industry & Media combined to USE this knowledge against us after WWII.
They knew and USED this knowledge to generate massive PROFITS in the food & medical industry literally fattening us up and then “helping” treat the maladies such diets created.
Protect your DNA.
Q makes this statement as an IMPERATIVE.
Q went from HOW do you protect your DNA **physical genetic IDENTITY**
Because these GHOULS are not going to leave you alone.
You cannot hide from this.
Trying to stay out of this at this stage is a doomed denial of a harsh reality coming for us all.
They are not only trying to literally rewrite God’s handiwork with gene editing “software” to ruin the natural immunity nature provided you, as well as seriously impede your ability to procreate, they are taking steps to poison the ecosphere you live in to ensure your DNA is negatively impacted.
Because you see, when they perceive populations beginning to awaken or more importantly, taking action to challenge their unelected (or selected) suzerainty they always make arrangements to ensure your focus & energies will end up being expended by simply struggling to survive, trying to offset all of the mysterious and totally not ORCHESTRATED crises that “just happen” as they plot & scheme how they’re going to regain the initiative & control.
All previous historic iterations of this drama almost always ended with the LUCIFERIANS winning the day or at minimum slithering away to trouble Humanity another day.
It took this Enemy three decades to slither it’s way back into power after WWII.
And it took 911 for it to really take control.
But they never counted on Donald Trump or the unique SPIRIT of the American People.
Our ability to weather THEIR STORM of unreasoning, demonic rage is now going to manifest a different, more powerful STORM of our own making that will wash them all away.
After that BEAUTIFUL BLACK SKY opens up and deluges them back into the pits of Hell they came from the peoples of this World, none being wholly blameless, will heal one another with pity and a sad understanding what the wages of our sins and lack of vigilance cost us, we will mourn our lost histories, and then, working together in a rising, patient joy, Humanity will take that QUANTUM LEAP into the Golden Age the Enemy was working so insidiously to prevent.
The individual unity of Nation States interacting peacefully without fear.
An Ascension Our Creator has long awaited.
The fulfillment of his dream for us, having engaged this dark challenge, learned of it, becoming greater, better people for having ultimately defeated it.
Suffering unto triumph, shepherding and protecting our Bodies, Minds, Hearts and Souls to the one destination all seek to find.
The serenity of true peace, having risen above the #SoulWAR.
Thank you for the information. I was 8 yrs old with a Jackie Barbie Doll in '63. So much I have learned and been witness to over the years. Why are they so dead set against us going into Space? Breaking free of Earth's Gravity and all of the many challenges the Space frontier has, would have naturally slowed us down anyway. Loss of Control? I suppose their work always is for their future offspring to keep the evil rolling. It can't be the money or loss of human life. Somehow the light bulb went on for them to finally have China do multiple launches per month. Maybe they finally realized who owns Space can point their lasers back at Earth. So who woke up that idea finally after ignoring for 50-60+ years?
"After that BEAUTIFUL BLACK SKY opens up and deluges them back into the pits of Hell they came from, the peoples of this World, none being wholly blameless, will heal one another with pity and a sad understanding what the wages of our sins and lack of vigilance cost us; we will mourn our lost histories, and then, working together in a rising, patient joy, Humanity will take that QUANTUM LEAP into the Golden Age the Enemy was working so insidiously to prevent."
Duane Cates - 2023